Pass the ICC certification exam or
Pass the ICC building inspector exam.
Learn how to become an ICC contractor online.
Learn how to become a building inspector online.

Pass your ICC exam. Study at home. 100% money-back guarantee.
Learn to pass your ICC exam, study conveniently and master the exam at home. When you use the (TLC) Thompson Learning Corp ICC certification training system, your success is guaranteed!
ICC inspector certification is in growing demand by state and local government as well as by architectural and home inspection firms.
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ICC Building Inspector Exam Preparation or
ICC Contractor License/Trade Exam Preparation Course.
Our courses are guaranteed to help you pass your exam and get certified. Click the button below to see if we can help you pass your ICC exam.
Advance your career with ICC Combination Inspector Designations.
Achieving an ICC Combination Inspector Designation demonstrates your proficiency and flexibility in diverse building safety disciplines that opens many doors to a broad array of job opportunities. How do I achieve a Combination Designation? Candidates must pass exams and hold a current certification in the prerequisite categories listed below and meet applicable requirements for the corresponding designation.