Pass the ICC F16 Master Electrician Exam

Pass the ICC F16 Master Electrician Exam (Online & self-paced)
Complete our online ICC exam preparation course if your state, county, or city licensing agency requires you to pass the ICC F16 Master Electrician Exam. Enhance your career as a certified F16 Master Electrician.

Your Blueprint for Success. Pass the ICC F16 Exam, Guaranteed!
Refresh your 2014 NEC code knowledge. Successfully achieve ICC F16 certification status without leaving the comfort of your home or office. Our ICC F16 Master Electrician exam preparation course is your best, most affordable path to success!
Pass your ICC F16 ICC Master Electrician exam. Our money-back guarantee backs this course. We provide the study materials (excluding codebooks) required to PASS THE ICC F16 EXAM.
How To Use Our Online Study Center
STUDY our “Navigating the 2014 NEC: A Code Primer – This eManual will familiarize you with the code’s structure within the nine chapters of the 2014 NEC. National Electrical Code.
PRACTICE answering realistic exam questions using the methods explained in our “Navigating the 2014 NEC”. Over 1,200 code-specific practice questions and answers and unlimited full-length, timed final exams.
The course includes:
- eCourse: Electrical Theory.
- eCourse: Blueprint Reading.
- eManual: Navigating the 2014 NEC. A Code Primer.
- Printable Workbook: Companion to 2014 NEC eManual.
- Online Practice Questions: Practice looking up answers in your codebook, & take timed full-length simulated exams.
Electrical Theory – eCourse
- Basic Electrical Theory
- Basic DC Theory
- Basic AC Theory
- Ohms Law
- Test Equipment
- Electrical Theory Chapter Questions
Blueprint Reading – eCourse
- Label Systems & Schematic Reading
- Construction Drawing Tutorial
- Blueprint Reading Chapter Questions
Navigating the 2014 NEC – eManual
Our “NAVIGATING THE 2014 NEC” eManual helps students review the (NEC) National Electrical Code.
When you master the code, you master your Exam!
This eManual is the starting point for the TLC Certification Training Program. It will familiarize you with the use, layout, and content of chapters 1 through 9 of the 2014 NEC.
eManual includes:
- The purpose and layout of the code
- How to navigate the NEC
- Codebook navigation exercises, speed drills
- Using the Table of Contents
- Breaking down questions by subject (Chapters 1-9)
- Keyword Identification: how to Identify the subject of a question for easy reference.
- How to search for a code article by referencing the INDEX
- Code reference example questions with in-depth solutions.
You are allowed by ICC to use the 2014 NEC codebook when taking your ICC F16 Exam!
Online Study Questions & Practice Exams
Access eManuals, Study Questions, and Simulated Exams From Any Device With Internet Access!
Our online practice questions provide a framework to practice utilizing your 2014 NEC Codebook. Constantly utilizing your codebook to answer test questions builds up your speed and code knowledge. Our course provides the required skills to pass your ICC F16 Master Electrician exam.
Four modes of study!
- Chapter Study Mode: Covers over 1,200 ICC F16 exam practice questions & answers. (Organized as Question – Answer – Code Location)
- Flashcard Mode: Online Virtual Flashcards provide randomized access to our entire question set and are an ideal setting to practice answering exam questions. (Organized as Question – Answer – Code Location)
- Chapter Tests: Provides real-time feedback on each chapter of our study materials, enabling you to concentrate on chapters that need improvement.
- Simulated Final Exams: Simulates the taking of your ICC F16 Master Electrician exam.
- Full length (Exact number of questions as on F16 Exam)
- Timed (Exact amount of time as actual ICC F16 exam)
- Randomized (Questions are randomized, and all exams are unique)
- Properly Balanced (Balanced according to the ICC Exam schedule guaranteeing a realistic ICC F16 exam simulation)
Take as many simulated final exams as you want! (These exams help you to gain the knowledge, speed, and confidence needed to pass your ICC F16 exam effortlessly)
One-year online access: Full access membership to our online study center. Experience the convenience of learning at home or in the office, saving valuable travel time to an in-person course.

- General Knowledge and Plan Reading: 12%
- Services and Service Equipment: 16%
- Feeders: 4%
- Branch Circuits and Conductors: 16%
- Wiring Methods and Materials: 19%
- Equipment and Devices: 10%
- Control Devices: 3%
- Motors and Generators: 8%
- Special Occupancies, Equipment, and Conditions: 12%

Take your ICC F16 Master Electrician exam online with ICC PRONTO or take your test at the closest Pearson|VUE test center
ICC PRONTO provides an at-home option for taking your ICC exams 24/7.
CLICK HERE – For more information or to log into the ICC – PRONTO portal.
ICC Inspector exams can be taken in person at Pearson|Vue testing centers nationwide.
CLICK HERE – For more information or to schedule an exam with Pearson|VUE.
Pricing for each exam is the same regardless of whether you choose Pearson|Vue or ICC PRONTO to administer your final exam.
PRONTO requirements /recommendations for taking the F16 exam
TEST-TAKING – Room: Where you take your final ICC exam.
- Requirement: Only one person is allowed in the room; if someone enters while you are testing, the Proctor will automatically eject you from the exam.
- Recommendations: The room should be quiet, with a door that can remain shut. Again, make sure you are alone, comfortable, and fully prepared to stay in full view of the webcam for the duration of your exam.
Bathroom Breaks: You may take up to a 5-minute bathroom break at any time during the exam.
- Requirement: If a break exceeds the 5-minute mark, the Proctor will terminate the exam. The time clock continues to count down during any breaks. Additionally, a new desk scan is required before you are allowed to continue taking the exam.
- Recommendations: Bathroom breaks waste your time. Be sure to take care of your business before your exam begins.
YOUR COMPUTER: You may use any PC or Laptop if it has a webcam, speakers, and a microphone
- Requirement: Your computer must be connected to the internet. If using a laptop, use it as a stand-alone computer. Do not plug it into a docking station with monitors attached.
Required Operating System:
- Windows XP – Windows 10
- Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) – 10.13 (High Sierra)
Internet Connection: You must have a stable internet connection
- Requirement: minimum speed of 2MB, upload and download.
- Recommendations: While you can use WiFi, we highly recommend wired high-speed internet access, as WiFi may not be as stable.
Browser (with pop-up blocker disabled):
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
ProctorU Technical Support
- Call: 1-855-772-8678, Option 1
- Before connection time, you can submit a support ticket
- During connection time, live chat support will be available.
OR Take your ICC F16 Exam at the Closest Pearson|VUE Test Center
ICC exams are available at Pearson|VUE testing centers across the country.
CLICK HERE – For more information or to set up an exam with Pearson|VUE
IMPORTANT: ICC has been split into different testing programs on its website. Before registering for your Contractor/Trades exam, you must know the three-digit exam code. Each testing program will require a unique username and password.
The Contractor/Trades program is also split into exams requiring pre-authorization and exams not requiring pre-authorization. View the current exams that require pre-authorization OR do not require pre-authorization.
To create an account, schedule an exam, view exams, or find a test center, please visit
About the ICC F16 Master Electrician exam.
This information regarding the ICC F16 exam is provided to you as a courtesy. Check with ICC at to verify the accuracy of this information.
- Contact the appropriate building department for specific licensing requirements.
- Passing an ICC national standard exam is NOT a license to practice and does not guarantee a license in any jurisdiction.
- To acquire a license to practice, you must apply to the specific state licensing agency or building department and meet all of their licensing requirements.

The ICC F16 exam is a 100-question test randomly selected from a database of thousands of potential questions. Memorizing answers is not the path to passing your exam!
If you understand how to break down exam questions and locate exam answers in your codebook, you should be able to answer 100% of these practice questions correctly.
We teach you how to quickly navigate your codebook & pass your exam. “Master The Code, Master The Exam!“
Use the 2014 NEC Codebook to solve ICC F16 practice exam questions.