
Effective: Jan 01, 2016

Thompson Learning Corp and its associated websites www.passiccexam.comwww.california.ustradetest.com, and www.thompsonlearningco.com provide this website for user convenience and assistance. While we strive to ensure the information is as timely and complete as possible, no representation or warranty is made regarding the currentness or accuracy of the content. Thompson Learning Corp and its affiliates are privately held companies and are not affiliated with the state of California. We are committed to correcting errors and omissions promptly when brought to our attention, consistent with our company’s goals and the site’s funding. We encourage users to report any errors, omissions, or ambiguities by emailing us at support@thompsonlearningco.com.

Unless otherwise specified, users should not rely solely on statutes or regulations provided on this website but should consult the actual text of the law or regulation.

This program assumes a basic level of technical competency and includes all specified study materials. Images of computers, cell phones, or tablets are for illustrative purposes only, indicating that study materials can be accessed from any internet-enabled device.

Relevant statutes for the DAS and CSLB are primarily found in the California Labor Code, which is searchable. The California Labor Code Regulations are part of the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, accessible at http://ccr.oal.ca.gov.

Dated: 01/01/2016