Pass the ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor (C) Exam

Learn how to become an ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor (C) (Online and self-paced)
Complete our online ICC exam preparation course if your state, county, or city licensing agency requires you to pass the ICC G13 National Standards Residential Building Contractor Exam (C) exam.

Your Blueprint for Success. Pass the ICC G13 Exam, Guaranteed!
Refresh your 2018 IRC codebook knowledge. Successfully prepare for your ICC G13 certification exam without leaving the comfort of your home or office. Our ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor (C) exam preparation course is your best, most affordable path to success!
Pass your ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor (C) exam. Our money-back guarantee backs this course. We provide the study materials (excluding codebooks) required to PASS THE ICC G13 EXAM.
How To Use Our Online Study Center
STUDY our “Navigating the 2018 IRC: A Code Primer – This eManual familiarizes you with the code’s structure and function within the first 11 chapters of the 2018 IRC, “ICC International Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings.”
PRACTICE answering realistic exam questions using the methods explained in our “Navigating the 2018 IRC”. Over 900 code-specific practice questions, answers, and unlimited full-length timed final exams.
The course includes:
- eManual (Navigating the 2018 IRC. A Code Primer)
- Printable Worksheets (Companion to 2018 IRC eManual)
- Online Practice Questions (Practice looking up answers in your codebook, take full-length simulated exams)
eManual – NAVIGATING THE 2018 IRC: A Code Primer
Our “NAVIGATING THE 2018 IRC” eManual helps students review the (IRC ) International Residential Code, Chapters 1-11. When you master the code, you master your Exam!
This eManual is the starting point for the TLC G13 Training Program. It will familiarize you with the use, layout, and content of chapters 1 through 11 of the 2018 IRC.
Manual includes:
- The purpose and layout of the code
- How to navigate the IRC
- Codebook navigation exercises, speed drills
- Using the Table of Contents
- Breaking down questions by subject (Chapters 1-11)
- Keyword Identification, how to Identify the subject of a question for easy reference.
- How to search for a code article by referencing the INDEX
- Code reference example questions with in-depth solutions.
You are allowed by ICC to use the 2018 IRC codebook when taking your ICC G13 Exam!
Our online practice questions provide a framework to practice utilizing your 2018 IRC Codebook. Constantly utilizing your codebook to answer test questions builds up your speed and code knowledge. Our course provides the required skills to easily pass your ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor exam.
Four modes of practice!
- Chapter Study Mode: Covers over 900 ICC G13 exam practice questions & answers. (Organized as Question – Answer – Code Location)
- Flashcard Mode: Online Virtual Flashcards provide randomized access to our entire question set and are an ideal setting to practice answering exam questions. (Organized as Question – Answer – Code Location)
- Chapter Tests: Provides real-time feedback on each chapter of our study materials, enabling you to concentrate on chapters that need improvement.
- Simulated Final Exams: Simulates the taking of your ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor exam.
- Full length (Exact number of questions as on G13 Exam)
- Timed (Exact amount of time as actual ICC G13 exam)
- Randomized (Questions are randomized, all exams are unique)
- Properly Balanced (Balanced according to the ICC Exam schedule, guaranteeing a realistic ICC G13 exam simulation)
Take as many simulated final exams as you want! (These exams help you gain the knowledge, speed, and confidence needed to pass your ICC G13 exam effortlessly.)
One-year online access: Full access membership to our online study center. Experience the convenience of learning at home or in the office, saving valuable travel time to an in-person course.

Permits and General Regulations (19%)
Regulations and Job Planning
Code Definitions and Terms
- Building Planning and Life Safety (19%)
- Fire & Smoke Alarms & Fire Protect Sys
- Occupancy Needs & Interior Environment
- Exiting & Means of Egress
- Structural Systems (50%)
- Footings and Foundations
- Concrete
- Floors
- Wall Framing and Stairs
- Roof Ceiling Construction Roof Assembly
- Masonry
- Building Envelope (12%)
- Interior Finishes
- Glass and Glazing
- Exterior Finishes and Roof Coverings
Please click the following link to read/download the ICC Candidate Information Bulletin.
This bulletin answers most questions raised by examination candidates. Please read it carefully. You will find it a helpful reference throughout your registration and examination process.

Take your ICC G13 Exam at the Closest Pearson|VUE Test Center
ICC exams are available at Pearson|VUE testing centers across the country.
CLICK HERE – For more information or to set up an exam with Pearson|Vue.
About the ICC G13 National Standard Residential Building Contractor (C) exam
This information regarding the ICC G13 exam is provided to you as a courtesy. Check with ICC at and/or Pearson|VUE at to verify this information’s accuracy.
- Contact the appropriate building department for specific licensing requirements.
- Passing an ICC national standard exam is NOT a license to practice and does not guarantee a license in any jurisdiction.
- To acquire a license to practice, you must apply to the specific state licensing agency or building department and meet their licensing requirements.
Pearson|VUE requirements/recommendations for scheduling the G13 exam.
IMPORTANT: ICC has been split into different testing programs on Pearson|VUE website. You will need to know the three-digit exam code before registering for your Contractor/Trades exam. Each testing program will require a unique username and password.
The Contractor/Trades program is also split into exams that require pre-authorization and exams that do not require pre-authorization. View the current exams that require pre-authorization OR do not require pre-authorization.
To create an account, schedule an exam, view exams, or find a test center, please go to:

- PASS – If you correctly answer seventeen + of these free ICC G13 practice questions, you have code skills.
- FAIL – If you miss four or more questions, order this course. We teach you how to pass your ICC G13 Exam.
- Use the 2018 IRC Codebook to solve ICC G13 practice exam questions.